How to Increase Your Laptop Battery Life

How to Increase Your Laptop Battery Life

If you just bought a brand new laptop, we hope you avoided the most common buying mistakes. However, even if you’ve had your device for awhile, our tips to keep your laptop battery running longer will still be useful.

Making some minor tweaks to how you use your laptop prevents you from reaching for your power cord too often and will keep your laptop battery running much more efficiently. Follow these tips to make your laptop battery last longer.

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1. Activate battery saver mode

2. Unplugged unused peripherals

3. Plug it in before it dies

4. Keep your laptop out of hot and cold

5. Have enough RAM

6. Don’t keep your laptop plugged in

7. Turn down screen brightness

8. Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

9. Buy an SSD

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Tell us in the comments, how do you take care of your laptop battery?

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